Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Main Entry: com·pla·cen·cy
Pronunciation: \-sən(t)-sē\
Function: noun

1 : self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies
2 : an instance of complacency
On second thought, I need not define anything for anyone. People only need to look around and see the word in wondrous action.

Case #1

Lily always liked the McDonald's beverages. Coke Floats, pineapple juices, milkshakes---she loves them all. She's aware she could drink them without plastic straws, but she goes ahead and uses them anyway. She knows how her lips would look like when it's wrapped around a straw. She needs a boyfriend after all.


Case #2

Mario, the environmentalist, has many eco-bags at home. However, he rarely uses them, partly because his friends once laughed at him for shopping with them, partly because he didn't want to lug them around. In the end, he accumulates more plastic bags than his trash bin could handle.


Case #3

Manang Mila hates mosquitoes. Every afternoon, she burns leaves in an effort to drive them away, instead of investing in repellents.


Complacency will kill us all.

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