by Janinah Jimmin M. Molina
What is World Environment Day?
World Environment Day (WED) was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.This is commemorated every 5th of June.
This is one way by which the United Nations can raise environmental awareness among people in the society, as well as to gain political attention and action on environmental issues.
The agenda of WED are the following:
1. Give a human face to environmental issues;
2. Empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development;
3. Promote an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues;
4. Advocate partnership which will ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.
This year's WED theme is 'Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate Change'. It views the need for countries to have a consensus on the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen, later somewhere in December this year. In addition, it will also include battling poverty and forest management and improvements.
Mexico hosted this year’s celebration in the fight against climate change.The country is also a leading partner in UNEP's Billion Tree Campaign. It has spearheaded the pledging and planting of some 25 per cent of the trees under the campaign which is also supported by its president, Felipe Calderon. He said that the WED celebration will further underline Mexico's determination to manage natural resources and deal with the most demanding challenge of the 21st century – climate change.
Let's make everyday a World Environment Day! :)