Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Green Film Festival in the Philippines

By: Charise Go Bollozos

For the first time the Green Film Festival will be held here in the Philippines. The Green Film Festival is an international film festival staged yearly in different countries, and this year fortunately they chose the Philippines.

8 films will be shown that will tackle environment issues like climate change, scarcity of water, environmental decay and a lot of other things that will try to educate people on how to take care of the environment. Japan, France and the Netherlands are among the countries who contributed films to be shown. It will be screened in selected SM theatres in Luzon and the good thing about this is it’s free.

Since the aim of this Festival is to educate people most specially the young ones or the students regarding the environment the Environment Committee coordinated with the Department of Education to let students watch the films in different batches.

Unfortunately the film festival will only be shown in Luzon, I hope that the people in other parts of the Philippines will also get a chance to see these films. The Environment Committee and the Department of Education should have done something about this. They should have proposed that the films should be shown nationwide. There are still lots people in the rural areas that needs to be educated about the environment. Although it’s a good thing that people are more concerned and are now putting more importance in taking care of the environment. I commend the people behind these films and the ones organizing the festival for giving importance to nature and not just thinking about how to gain monetary profit. It’s a good sign. We should act before it’s already too late.

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