Saturday, September 12, 2009

the pH Factor

by Janinah Jimmin M. Molina

We probably love when it rains, when raindrops fall on our faces or while we listen to our favorite song on the radio. Yet, are we also aware that it could be acid that falls on our head, carefully concealed in rain drops?

Acid rain is absolutely something we have to look out for.

If you think that you can easily detect acid rain from normal rain,I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but you can't figure out acid rain with your 5 senses. You will need to measure the acidity of the rain through chemical means. The rain's acidity is measured in terms of pH. According to the site,, the pH measurement scale is based on logarithms, because the range of possible concentrations of acid is enormous, ranging from none to a whole lot of acid. The scale also runs in the other direction, to include measures for chemicals that have negative acidity (more properly called basic compounds). The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with the value of 7 being neutral (neither acid or base). Numbers from 0 to 7 are acid values and from 7 to 14 are basic values. Normal rain tends to have a pH value of about 5.5.

In addition, it was also stated in the site that the causes of the acid rain are the following:

*Power plants, automobiles, and other sources that burn fossil fuels

*SO2 and NOx released into the air; these compounds dissolve in and react with water in the air, making the water acid

*Rain, sleet, and snow carry the acid back to earth

Acid rain will greatly affect the environment. It was stated from the site previously mentioned, that acid rain eats away at the surface of buildings, especially those made of limestone or marble.Acid rain also affects the acidity of ponds, lakes, and rivers, causing their pH to drop.Some fish, such as bass and trout, are sensitive to changes in pH. Plant life is also damaged by acid rain. Crops, forests, and other plants grow more slowly.

So what shall we do then?

The suggested solutions to reducing acid rain are that we stop burning so much fossil fuel and use more gas-efficient vehicles. In addition, the use of alternate energy forms can also be promoted.

Let's help save our planet Earth!

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