Sunday, September 13, 2009

Giant Ocean Trash Vortex

By: Charise Go Bollozos

The world’s largest dump site is not found on land, but in the ocean. I came across an article about the ocean trash vortex while I was surfing the net. Out of curiosity I researched more about it.

I guess the ocean trash vortex speaks for itself already it is also known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is located in the Central Pacific Ocean and it is estimated to be twice the size of Texas. The total area of Texas is 266,807 sq mi or 691,030 sq km. It is said to be the second largest state in the United States after Alaska. So just imagine how vast this garbage patch is. The patch is made up of plastics that have been thrown in the ocean and that has been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre. An oceanic gyre is a large scale system of rotating ocean currents.

This patch was for formed gradually over time. Researchers say that 80% of the pollution comes from land and the other 20% from ships at sea. It has been estimated that it will take about 5 years for the currents to carry the trash from the western coast of North America and about 2 years from the east coast of Asia.

There are 5 major oceanic gyres in the world. So this means that if we do not stop throwing our trash in the ocean, most specially plastics, it will not be a surprise that all these gyres will turn into garbage patches as well.

This is very horrifying and not to mention the hazard that this will do to our health. I just can’t imagine swimming in the beach and seeing a plastic island across. This is something that we should be taking seriously. I can’t imagine myself living in a world with no more beautiful beaches to swim with.

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