Saturday, August 15, 2009

Garbage in Baywalk

Garbage was all over Baywalk last August 6 because of the big waves in Manila bay. It was a horrendous site to see. It took 6 dump truck loads to clean up the whole mess.

This is not something new, the garbage in Manila bay has been a problem for quite some time now. Although the government has made great efforts to beautify the shore by putting up the baywalk , they weren’t able to solve the problem with regards to the trash in Manila bay.

What happened last August 6 is somewhat a warning that if we continue to abuse and pollute the ocean it will come back to haunt us. We Filipinos are all guilty of being litterbugs in one way or another. We are so used of having to pay other people to clean up our mess. In other countries most especially in the more developed ones they are disciplined with regards to proper trash disposal. You can not just throw trash anywhere because you’ll get fined.

We Filipinos still do not see the bigger picture, we still do not see the danger and the price that we are going to pay if we would not stop our habits. What happened in Manila is just a warning to us that if we would not stop throwing our trash in the ocean somehow the ocean will throw it back to us. I sure hope that the Filipinos learned something from what happened before it is too late. The change should start from each and everyone.

Charise Go Bollozos

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