Saturday, August 29, 2009

Green Bag It Is!

I went to SM super market a few days ago and I saw a big sign board just as I was about to enter the market premises. It says BYOB or Bring Your Own Bag every Wednesday.

Every Wednesday customers are asked to bring their own bag for their groceries whenever they shop at SM. If they do not have their own bags they can either buy the eco friendly bags also known as the green bag that SM is selling, which costs around Php 35. It may be a bit expensive for a bag but it’s reusable and what’s important is you are not adding pollution to the world. If you do not want to buy the green bag they will let you use the brown paper bag but if you insist in using plastic bags you have to buy them. The price of the plastic bag depends on the size.

I was so happy that finally, this giant corporation is doing something to save the world. Plastic bags are non - biodegradable, it takes about a 1000 years for it to decompose. Plastic bags can also harm animals in the ocean. Many animals mistake them for food, when they ingest the plastic bag the animals die and even after the animals die the plastic bag still remains intact. This means that it still lies around the ocean waiting for the next victim.

I surely do hope that other stores and super markets will follow and will stop using plastic bags.I hope the customers will cooperate too. After all, this is for our own good.

Charise Go Bollozos

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