Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stuff In the Air

by: Janinah Jimmin M. Molina

Each time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that have found their way into the air.

Air pollution contains dangerous substances that can be either in the form of gases or particles. Buildings are mostly immersed with pollutants causing indoor pollution and lasts for a long time.

Nature and humans are the sources of air pollution. The majority of pollutants released into the air are caused by humans since we have been generating pollution. Air pollution has been a problem throughout times gone by.

The consequences of air pollution are diverse and profuse. The health of human beings can be at stake and even our ecosystems can be severely damaged. Imagine that?

Air pollution travels fast through our atmosphere. Thus, air pollution is a global problem and has been the area under discussion of worldwide cooperation and conflict.

Nowadays, some regions suffer more air pollution than others, especially cities with a vast numbers of automobiles, jeepneys and the like or those that use great quantities of coal often experience most sternly from problems brought about by air pollution.

So why not help combat air pollution by starting with ourselves? This is not a government concern but rather it is the responsibility of every individual to help control the worsening air pollution that our mother Earth is experiencing now. At home and at work, turn off the lights when not needed; change the light bulbs into low power ratings with high efficiency; dispose old appliances or household materials with aerosols properly; walk instead of using the car when going to a place only a block away; and let your school children ride in a school bus rather than sending them to school with the family car, and the list goes on.

There are plenty of ways that we can contribute in the preservation of our environment. Air pollution is an important matter, which every individual should be concerned about if we want to have a better and healthy life for ourselves and the generations to come.

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