Sunday, August 9, 2009

Toy Soldiers

This is long overdue.

According to the The New York Times, the unequivocal rate of climate change in the United States would finally compel intervention by the military. The report cites high-ranking analysts from the Pentagon, among other sources.

Not that they haven't already. Or that they would come out shooting their ammunition against carbon gases, but the military is clearly taking stock of an ominous foe. As it stands, the upshots of global warming i.e. rising seas, fiercer hurricanes, drier drought, more emaciating famine, and deadlier disease can make geopolitical upheavals, the likes of which have never been seen before.

In fact, global warming is hitting the US soldier in the face. In the same report, violent storms are threatening several naval stations across the country.

It's all very apocalyptic. Climate change has all-too real consequences. The fact that the most powerful nation in the world is mobilizing its soldiers is a very grave portent of things to come.

Here's hoping the greater use of arms won't put democracy on the line. Climate change has every way of making severe changes on governments the world over. We've heard nations warring over oil; there's no reason they wouldn't over depleted oxygen.

Glaciers are not the only ones melting nowadays, if one thinks about it. As they drift away to oblivion, people's sense of security are also melting and plunging into an ocean of nothingness.

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